Private Christ Dunberger

PVT. 101 INF. 26 DIV.
OHIO OCT. 26 1918

Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial
Departement de la Meuse
Lorraine, France
Plot: Plot A Row 10 Grave 29

Sep. 7, 1888
Oak Harbor
Ottawa County
Ohio, USA

Oct. 26, 1918
Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France

His parents were Michael Dunberger and Mary Bennett. His siblings were Albina, Margaret Snider, Fred, Michael and Irene. Christ Dunberger was the first soldier from Oregon Township, Lucas County, Ohio to die in World War I. Private Dunberger enlisted in U S Army Co. B 329th Infantry Regiment in Toledo, Ohio on April 2, 1918. Trained at Camp Sherman in Chillicothe, Ohio, sailed from Hoboken, New Jersey on June 5, 1918 and arrived in England on June 24, 1918. Private Dunberger transfered to U.S. Army 101st Infantry Regiment 26th Infantry Division. He was involved in heavy fighting during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in the fall of 1918 and was wounded on September 26, 1918. He died on October 26, 1918 near Mont Faucon, France. The Armistice ending World I was signed on November 11, 1918.

Christ Dunberger Post # 537, THE AMERICAN LEGION was chartered August 23, 1932. Seventeen members signed the original charter and named the Post in honor of Private Christ Dunberger.

Michael Dunberger (1837 – 1912)
Mary Bennett Dunberger (1858 – 1946)
Christ Dunberger (1888 – 1918)
Michael Dunberger (1899 – 1978)*